THESE are suffering 100 %! One of the boda boda driver resident of Kimara in Dar es Salamaa strip of palm leaf known by the name of Joseph Nyunza , is in agony caused by Sangoma who weighed metals which were consecrated unto the hospital and causing his foot rot.
Speaking to this newspaper as helpless in bed at home with her aunt , Joseph had said previously that the driver of the motorcycle , but in July this year , had an accident areas Kimara Suka in Dar es Salaam after being hit by car lililohama way and kumvunja his right foot .
After the accident , he was rushed to Muhimbili National Hospital where he received and sent in orthopedic unit ( Moi ) where after undergoing tests, it was discovered that a huge bone of his leg was broken, thus laying scrap ' antennae ' in order to connect . She was allowed to return home as he should return to hospital for surgery .
After returning home and staying several weeks with a visit to hockey, he lacked the money to go to hospital for surgery when he appeared healer who mentions the name of the mother chapter that promised to heal the wound .
The healer had his embalmed for several days but did not find any cheaper . Seeing this, the Sangoma advised removal of scrap professional vingeuwezesha the back foot well .
" Actually , the next day my doctor came up with another man, and locks me out without anesthesia , I was very hurt but I persevered because he assured me I would recover.
" As the days go 's zinavyozidi exceeds foot closet to pests , everybody I asked to help me , my fellow citizens , I am suffering greatly , " said Joseph .
He said after the scrap release , he continued to be anointed with the local drug that until now has foot rot and provides teaching with the young man he can not even get up to bed .
Ganga His words?
After our talk mapaparazi and Joseph were looking for a healer , who also live in the nasal speech , was not at home but he found a telephone .
"I have not found a situation that exists now , I believe it is getting better and will recover because so many people have shawatibu such , why is cheap right now , muulizeni himself would say , " said
The Chairman of the Local Government nasal speech , Demetrius quickly acknowledged the information received with disappointment by helping to establish synergy through the number 0654 880 707 .
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